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Difference Between Drones and Quadcopters

Difference Between Drones and Quadcopters


If you’ve been observant during your travels, you are most likely to see a small device floating in the air. Aerial shots are all the rage right now. It gives a whole new perspective and captures the bigger picture of beautiful destinations. If you’re interested in getting your own hands on this creative trend, it’s almost certain you’ve asked yourself this one question: what is the difference between a drone and a quadcopter?


What is a Drone?

The drone is a broad term for any Unnamed Aerial Vehicle (UAV). These vehicles can look like anything from small airplanes to helicopters and are often associated with the military. They can either be controlled by a remote or operated by an onboard computer. The main point is that they are engine-controlled and can fly over long periods of time. In an even more generic term, it’s any flying object not manned by any human pilot. This means that a drone can refer to anything from military surveillance equipment to that remote-controlled device you use to take aerial shots.

What is a Quadcopter?

The quadcopter is almost exclusively recreational. A quadcopter uses 4 simple rotors and 4 blades to fly and keep its balance. They are controlled remotely using a transmitter. They’re designed to be lightweight with a central engine that controls the rotor and blades on its arms. It’s suitable for aerial photography because the rotation of the rotors in the opposite direction keeps the device very stable. They are easy to manufacture and cheap to assemble and repair, which is why you can find many versions in a wide price range out in the market.


Quadcopters and drones are very closely related. However, they are each a bit different from the other. A quadcopter is a specific type of drone and it is usually used for recreation, offering you many options for enjoying a drone flying hobby. So unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) is an unmanned craft, the drone is a media word for the unmanned aerial vehicle (often with some serious/negative connotations), and the quadcopter is a helicopter design used on some unmanned aerial vehicles.
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